September 30, 2012

Where's the revelation?

I'm the first to admit that if the church has continuing revelation like Moses or even Joseph Smith's accounts, I want to be a member of that church. So where is the real doctrine? Where are the visions? If there are still visions, why are the apostles afraid to share? Joseph wasn't afraid to share sacred experiences (even if the stories changed). What new doctrine has come to pass since Joseph? No flip flops in church? Single ear piercings? No skinny jeans while taking tests? Well here are two examples of how it is now done with the "prophets."

In this clip, if you go to the 3 min mark you will hear the following from Dallin Oaks regarding how missionaries are called:
"He said, you're the servant of the Lord, and your action is the Lord's action. You study it out in your mind, and you assign them, and they're assigned by the Lord."

So they don't need to actually get recognizable revelation. They just study it out in their mind, then they make a decision and then they claim it's the Lord doing it. In today's church, "revelation" goes from leaders to God and not the other way around. 

This was also implied by an interview Spencer Kimball gave after the so-called "revelation" ending racist practices in 1978. He was asked how it came about. He answered:
"I asked the Twelve not to go home when the time came. . . . I offered the final prayer and I told the Lord that if it wasn't right, if He didn't want this change to come in the Church, that I would be true to it all the rest of my life. . . ."

In other words the "revelation" was already decided before it was taken to the Lord. They prayed and took the fact that they felt good about what they had already decided to mean the Lord wants it. Now with revelation in the church it is the arrogant attitude of "if we like it it must be from God."

That's how revelation happens these days. Apostles feel good about something and then they claim that the Lord told them when it was really the other way around. Far from what Joseph claimed and far from what missionaries proselytize. The church I am still a member of is not the church it once was or the church it claims to be.

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