September 29, 2012

The "sacred revelation" of polygamy was used as an excuse for Joseph's multiple sexual partners

Most LDS members think that Brigham Young started polygamy and the apologist reasons for this are many and are ridiculous. The truth is that Brigham had quite the mentor in Joseph Smith:

Now hearing how Joseph started polygamy was shocking to me as a life long Mormon. Unfortunately this was the easiest pill to swallow. Enter the term polyandry. I had never heard this term before but it is far worse than polygamy:

But don't worry, he didn't actually have sex with them. He did it for sealing purposes only right? Wrong. Even LDS apologists on FAIR as well as FARMS admit that based on the evidence it is likely he had sex with most if not all of his wives.

The best part is that Joseph LIED about it repeatedly! That is ok though. He did it for good reasons. Don't you remember all of those times Jesus lied in the NT? Oh yea, he didn't.

Polygamy and Polyandry in the church is a deep and very confusing issue and I don't mean to oversimplify the issue, but to me it looks like a typical power hungry man trying to get some on the side. Not the first or last man to literally lie his pants off.

By the way, next time you tell any non-Mormon we don't believe in polygamy, you are lying as well. D&C Section 132 has never been removed or revoked. You can't even say we just don't practice it anymore. Just ask the countless "celestial" polygamist apostles that are sealed to multiple women over the years and even today. 

My purpose isn't to incriminate Joseph or all of the Mormon polygamists but to rather show how the church hides this truth from its members. The church purposefully hides all evidences of polygamy but never outright denies it. This causes good believing Mormons to defend their church ignorantly all the while allowing the church to have plausible deniability on the matter. 

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