September 9, 2012

Ironic Hypocracy

Just today a Facebook friend of mine posted the following in regards to politics:

"It's so easy to be swooned by Pres. Obama, or anyone as charismatic. However, if after you let your emotions be taken by them you use logic, actual facts, truth, intelligence, and finally knowledge of what they're actually talking about, you'd understand why Conservatives see right through them and why the majority of Democrats are young and the majority of Republicans are old. Interpret the words "young" and "old" how you will."

I don't necessarily agree or disagree with his comment politically but I thought it amazing how applicable this statement is in regards to religion.  If take your emotions out of it and use logic, actual facts, truth, intelligence, and finally knowledge of what is true in regards to religion, your eyes will be opened. 

Now, this is a good person I am quoting and I mean no disrespect but I am willing to bet that as with most LDS members, this person would never be willing to apply that same statement to his own religion.

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