February 17, 2014

Day of Reckoning…… maybe…… hopefully

As mentioned in my post The LDS Church has lied and deliberately concealed historical facts to maintain a clean image I talk about Lying for the Lord. Well what appears to be the first hopefully substantial attempt at making someone responsible for their fraudulent ways has begun. Thomas Monson has officially been legally summoned to the UK court on 3/14/2014 to appear and respond to allegations of fraud. Most media outlets that even reported this legal action have been quick to dismiss these allegations as frivolous.  I mostly agreed with these opinions until I was able to find out more about the 2006 ruling in the UK against scientology. Thankfully the UK is not giving the religious free pass that is demanded in the US for these corporate religious such as the LDS Church. Although I have no delusions that Tommy will be extradited and arrested, I think this may set a great precedent for a few things:
- Religions can in fact commit fraud by making demonstrably false claims
- The LDS Church will have to reconsider what it means to be in full fellowship through tithes
- The LDS Church will have to actually admit to these whitewashed doctrinal and historical issues

I know it is wishful thinking but my fingers crossed that the church will have to fess up to the lies they have perpetuated for years that causes such financial and emotional damage.
For some more information, please see these great links:

Mormonthink profile on the man behind the charges- Tom Phillips

Infants on Thrones Podcast interview with Tom Phillips

Mormon Stories Podcast (unpublished) with Tom Phillips on his second anointing

The Mormonthink info page dedicated to the court summons

Two radio interviews Tom Phillips and Tal Bachman did about these issues:

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